What is the Employer Indicator?
The Employer Indicator shows how strong your employer brand is overall. The calculated value is made up of all the results of the analysis for .. .
The Employer Indicator shows how strong your employer brand is overall. The calculated value is made up of all the results of the analysis for .. .
The ENPS can lie in a range between -100 and +100. Anything above 0 is to be understood as a positive result: Employees would rate you overall .. .
The Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS®) stands for "recommendation rate" or the willingness of employees to recommend the company as an employer .
Working atmosphere - Loyalty & trust - Identification The emotional bond is the most enduring, but probably also the most "high-maintenance". It builds .. .
Job security - remuneration - working conditions This is about measurable advantages over other companies. The calculative factor is important for the .. .
Work content - participation - development In the "war for talent", growth and qualification-oriented retention is becoming increasingly important .