... on the subject of CURRENT PROJECTS & INITIATIVES
How do you rate the company's current projects or initiatives? What suggestions do you have to make the current projects more successful ?
How do you rate the company's current projects or initiatives? What suggestions do you have to make the current projects more successful ?
How do you feel about the recent changes in the organization? What support do you need to adapt to the changes? Do you feel . ..
What is your current state of well-being - how are you feeling? Are you under emotional pressure at work? Are you under pressure to perform at work ?
I am satisfied with my working day in the home office. I miss the personal contact with my colleagues. Working from home, I currently feel .. .
How do you rate the communication within your team? What do you think could be improved in terms of communication within the team? Wi . ..
What three words would you use to describe our corporate culture? Do you have the feeling that employees in our company treat each other . ..
We are looking for YOU to join our sales and customer service team as soon as possible. Along the way, you will help employers . ..
If you have any questions about how to use the PERSENTIS software or how your survey works, please send an email to office@persentis.com or .. .
The Employer Indicator, the loyalty of your company and your attractiveness as an employer, the orientation of your employees, your 3 top .. .
After placing your order, you will receive an access link to your account and can pay conveniently on account. ...