How often must a risk assessment be carried out?
Every employer is obliged to continuously review and adapt measures to improve occupational health and safety. For the . ..
Every employer is obliged to continuously review and adapt measures to improve occupational health and safety. For the . ..
In the event of an audit, compliance with the above 7 steps and the use of a suitable instrument in accordance with the ISO 10075 standard is checked. The .. .
The members of a survey group should carry out comparable activities under similar conditions. The obvious choice here is a grouping in . ..
In Germany, trade supervisory offices or supervisory authorities of the respective federal states are responsible for ensuring compliance with the .. .
The difference between stress and strain in occupational psychology lies in their definition and effect: stress describes all external .. .
Participants rate the following statements using an interactive slider. We have a very good working atmosphere. I am prepared to .. .
Participants can enter their answers in a text field here. How are we doing as an employer? Do you have any ideas on how to make the company . ..
How well were you informed about the change in management? How do you rate the professional skills of the new manager? How do you rate the . ..
How do you feel about the transition back to the office? What are your experiences with the hybrid working model? What challenges have you faced in the .. .
How well are you coping with the new systems? What training or resources would be helpful to familiarize yourself with the new systems ?